Saturday, December 6, 2008


I need not explain too much here, but we visited a place called EVERLAND here in Korea and, well, it was pretty much a REAL Christmas Miracle. Watch the videos.. I'm sure you will agree... :D

(I had to divide this thing into 3 parts.. it was just too full of Christmas spirit for to handle. ha.)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cookies anyone?


Today I decided to go shopping for cookie ingredients. I found most of the ingredients, but a fellow teacher was looking for vanilla extract and so we got the lady at the counter to help us find the rest of our ingredients. We managed to explain to her with VERY few Korean words and mostly hand motions that we were making cookies. Thanking her for her help, we make our way to the register to buy our goodies.

The lady, can't remember her name, grabs the bag of sugar, STUNNED, and starts laughing as she tries to get the other ladies attention. They both start laughing and after a while, me and Lynds begin to feel a bit uncomfortable and wonder what exactly we grabbed off the shelf. Our lady tries to explain to us what it was we found, but unfortunately can't find the English word in her phone. We grab another bag of sugar but first make sure it IS sugar, which it was, before she rings it up.

We were about to leave the store, when our lady, determined to tell us what we ALMOST bought was, pointed to her computer screen and we read those dreaded words...

"monosodium glutamate."

HAHAHA... We both starting laughing and all four of us could now join together in the laughter of what COULD have happened to my cookies.

Can you imagine, "Would you like an MSG cookie? Fresh out of the oven!"

Haha... Oh man. Who puts a giant bag of powdered MSG next to the sugar.. I mean, not EVERYONE speaks Korean here! haha.. Good times.