Thursday, August 13, 2009

Where in the world is Erds???

This summer has been seriously one of THE best summers I've had in a long while.

I lost my toenail.. FINALLY!

haha.. Just kidding.. that was NOT the highlight (however, I'm quite glad to be rid of that thing.) I flew home at the beginning of June and for almost every weekend following, up until the end of August, I traveled and visited traveled and caught up with so many people... It was just plain awesome! If I wasn't able to see you, I'm sorry. I visited Grandparents in Muskegon, the bean in Chicago, discovered lost lakes in Knoxville, biked the San Francisco bridge, visited Egypt in the children's museum in Indianapolis, Cedar point in Sandusky, was a bridesmaid for an amazing friend's wedding (the DAY before I flew out), and I even caught up with a couple ridiculous college buddies in the airport in Atlanta. And when I wasn't on the road, I got to spend quality time with those crazy Erdmann's. :D I love them.

And now I'm back in Korea.

It's strange how fast time seems to be flying by. Did I mention I spent my 24th birthday at home this summer?? (The package is on it's way, right? ha..) But things just haven't even seemed to slow down even after arriving here. (Or cool off, for that matter. I stepped off the plane with my swollen feet into very the THICK of a hot and EXTREMELY humid Korean summer. Not to mention the damage that was inflicted upon my lungs, due to the man who continually farted for the ENTIRE flight!! No joke. At least HE got sleep.)

I was allotted roughly 2 days to get over jet-lag and then the students arrived and we had the new student orientation for that first weekend. It was an amazing time of games, sweating, getting to know the new students and staff, completely taking over a movie theatre (to watch GI Joe), and slip n slides! (I was a bit weary about this one, due to a previous experience with a twig sticking up out of the tarp.) But it was awesome! And even a somewhat soft padded landing! :D

So now we're just about finished with the first week of school and I'm adjusted and settled into my newly rearranged apartment. WOOHOO! Oh, and yesterday I made a Korean friend... in the taxi. Haha.. he asked if I had many Korean friends (chingu), and I said, well, "outside of our school, no." so he gestured to himself and said "chingu." :D My first taxi driver friend. Life is good. Oh, and this weekend we may venture to Caribbean Bay. (The water park attached to Everland.. like a Korean Disneyworld. :D) I'm sure there will be MUCH to update after this! Until then...

Hugs, Blessings, and missing toenails,


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